If you are like me, you must find that you use WhatsApp often. It is one of the ways of being in touch with friends, relatives, or even other people at the workplace. However, do you know the existence of GB WhatsApp? This is a clone app of WhatsApp with additional features that are not inherent in the normal or official WhatsApp. Although it may sound awesome, it equally has certain implications for a person’s private life. Therefore, the common question remains; how can one be assured that the other person is thereby using GB WhatsApp? Let’s dive in.
Table of Contents
Understanding GB WhatsApp
Well, in this case, it would be pointless to get into the details of how to detect users of GB WhatsApp, so here is a quick breakdown: GB WhatsApp is a Moded App, or in other words, it’s an APK of the original WhatsApp. Some of the advanced features include the following: hidden last seen, ability to view deleted messages, unique privacy level, and capability to download statutes. These are some of the extra features that make people download GB WhatsApp and not the official application.
Some popular features include:
- Hide Last Seen: Some options let you freeze your last seen so that other people cannot see the last activity time.
- View Deleted Messages: As if that is not enough the GB WhatsApp user can read messages even after the sender has deleted the message.
- Enhanced Privacy Settings: It is quite possible to hide blue ticks, second ticks, and even the status of typing.
- Download Statuses: It is possible to save a certain status from a friend and have it on your phone.
But there is one thing that is quite evident the reason why WhatsApp has not incorporated such features. GB WhatsApp works beyond the security measures of WhatsApp, and this creates a lot of concern as far as privacy is concerned.
Signs That Someone Might Be Using GB WhatsApp
Now, the question is, how can we detect if someone is using GB WhatsApp? Here are a few telltale signs that could give it away:
Feature to Look at Deleted Chats
Dedicated call and message logs are one of the most beloved options of GB WhatsApp because of viewing deleted messages. You can guess those times when the interlocutor has removed a message, and you can only guess, what information it contained. Well, GB WhatsApp users don’t have that problem. But you also know that they can still see everything.
Red Flags:
- If someone references something you deleted from a chat, they might be using GB WhatsApp.
- If they comment on a message, you thought was long gone, it’s a sign they have access to those deleted messages.
Viewing Deleted Statuses
Not only is it possible to read the messages that were deleted by other users of GB WhatsApp but also the deleted statuses. This means that should you remove the particular status update, there could be another person using GB WhatsApp to access it.
If a person replies to a status update that you have deleted, they might be using GB WhatsApp.
False Last Seen Status
One of the hard-to-use options of GB WhatsApp is the option to freeze the last-seen status. It also means that even if one of the users is online, he/she will be able to conceal it by having his/her last seen shown at an earlier time.
As much as one may not be online for a long time or appear to be online and briefly away, and even if they take some time to reply to your messages, this may be due to the GB WhatsApp app.
Downloading Status Updates
One more essential function of GB WhatsApp utilizing the most extent is a download option of statuses. Generally, WhatsApp does not allow this, but the users of GB WhatsApp are in a position to download your pictures and videos easily.
How to Detect:
If someone responds elaborately to your status or says they have kept your status safe, they may have downloaded that using GB WhatsApp.
To know who viewed your status in GB WhatsApp follow these steps:
Among the features that GB WhatsApp has, one is increased privacy when it comes to our statuses’ view. This means that users get to know who has viewed their status and sometimes other additional details than the basic WhatsApp permits.
Identifying Who Viewed Your Status on GB WhatsApp
For those using GB WhatsApp, here’s how they typically check who viewed their status:
- Now, unlock your GB WhatsApp and head to the Status tab of the application.
- Click on the status that you put up.
- You can go up for viewers where, again depending on settings, you can see more information about your viewers.
This, as you would think, is very convenient; at the same time, it poses direct threats to privacy. While in this case the level of privacy control offered is limited to what WhatsApp permits, GB WhatsApp goes a step further, which may be uncomfortable for other users.
Privacy Settings and Customization
GB WhatsApp has multiple levels of customization when it comes to the privacy of the messages. Friends list users can choose who can see their updated status, who can send them messages, etc. While the number of options leaves much freedom to the user, it complicates the task for those who would like to understand whether a certain person employs the app.
Myths and Flaws Regarding GB WhatsApp Features
Before I begin, I’d like to address a couple of misunderstandings that people seem to have about GB WhatsApp.
Common Misconceptions:
Myth: With GB WhatsApp you can have everything, from private messages to images, AOs, videos, documents etc from others.
Fact: What WhatsApp offers as extra features are based on features obtainable within your contact list. Although it has interactive capabilities, it does not offer access to outside or large corporation information.
Thus, even if GB WhatsApp may initially appear as an improved version of the initial application, it has certain crucial dangers. Enjoying third-party apps such as GB WhatsApp has its consequences, which include getting exposed to malware, hacking, and breaching of data. (Rather, it is prohibited by WhatsApp’s terms of service, and in case they notice you, your account can be blocked).
If you are worried about your safety then it is best to confine yourself to the standard version of ‘WhatsApp’.
Alternatives and Best Practices
If you are seeking more privacy options but are not cool with the associated dangers, then there are other products you can opt for. Here are a few alternatives:
Alternatives to GB WhatsApp:
- WhatsApp Business: This is a business version of a widely popular app WhatsApp with occasional additional functions for messaging and organization.
- Telegram: Telegram is also rather privacy-oriented with features such as end-to-end encryption and other additions.
Best Practices for Privacy:
- Regular Updates: You need to always update your apps to avoid falling victim to some of the above-mentioned security risks.
- Be Cautious with Third-Party Apps: If you are using social networks don’t use third-party apps that change official interfaces. The verification of the sources decreases the chances of exposing your information to the wrong people.
It may not be all that easy to tell if a particular person is using GB WhatsApp or not but, based on the mentioned features, we should be able to guess it. From deleting messages to making the last seen status disappear, GB WhatsApp contains many features that make it rather challenging to know what is going on. However, with this comparison in mind, it becomes easy to know the discrepancies between GB WhatsApp vs WhatsApp and thus be in a better position to protect your privacy.
In the end, though, while there are all these other cool things you can do with GB WhatsApp, there are potential problems. In both cases, it is relevant to know about such factors and to use messengers wisely, avoiding thoughts about others’ observations and vice versa. Operations should respect other employees’ privacy, and the data of the organization should be protected.